Mar 10, 2025
BIOE 250 - Conservation Biology 4 Credit(s) The impact of deterministic (nonrandom) and stochastic processes (environmental, catastrophic, genetic, and demographic) on small populations (i.e., threatened and endangered species) will be examined. Discussions cover habitat and population fragmentation, corridors, biodiversity and its measurement, endangered species policy and law, and case studies of extinction; for the latter, ultimate and proximate causal factors of extinction will be discussed. Students without a background in high school biology may want to consider taking BIOB 101 before enrolling in this course. $30 Course Fee.
Prerequisite(s): a general education math course (any UMW 100-level or higher M or STAT course ); or c/i. Students without a background in high school biology may want to consider taking BIOB 101 or BIOB 170 before enrolling in this course. (spring/even-numbered years)
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