Feb 18, 2025
ARTZ 147 - Scientific Glass 4 Credit(s) This course will cover the fundamentals of torch working borosilicate glass in order to render scientific apparatuses. It is a course geared toward both the non-art student as a means to develop and bolster one’s proficiency in science oriented endeavors, and also for the art student who would like to develop a strong technical foundation in the principals of torch worked glass. Welds, marias, bends, hot popping, scoring, pulling points, heats for punties and their application, heat color index, flame settings, flame guides, and principals and working methods of glass will be covered in this course. This course requires technical precision and proficiency, and will therefore be the main criteria for assessment, but thoroughness, commitment, effort, dedication, perseverance, timeliness, and experimentation will also be considerations for assessment. $160 course fee
Exp Art
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