Mar 14, 2025
BIOE 425 - Wetlands Ecology 4 Credit(s) This course will provide students and understanding in the unique characteristic of wetland ecosystems. Students will study wetland: 1) biogeography, 2) biophysical structure and processes, 3) classification and delineation methods, 4) resource management issues, and 5) cultural diversity. Field and laboratory activities include the examination of wetland hydrology, soils, geochemistry, biotic organism (bacteria, plants, invertebrates, fishes, birds, and mammals) and biophysical interaction. Wetland management issues will be examined including: wetland policy, regulation and law; assessment, mitigation, restoration and monitoring of vulnerable and impacted wetland resources; identification of wetland ecosystem goods and services. Students will be assessed based on written responses to reading and in-class activities, written exams, a paper based on field or lab group research, and demonstration of oral communication skills through in-class discussion and presentation.. Lab included. $35 Course Fee.
Prerequisite(s): (BIOB 170 or BIOO 220 ) and junior/senior standing; or c/i. (fall/even-numbered years)
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