Mar 14, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog 
2025-2026 Catalog

English, BA

Program Mission Statement

The mission of the English Department is to provide students with an advanced understanding of oral and written communication through practice in critical reading and discussion, research, and analytical writing. Students engage in a course of study that encourages the exploration of cultural, historical, and philosophical ideas in literature and other media and the examination of these ideas in a variety of experiential projects; in doing so, students develop skills in understanding different perspectives, building effective arguments, and communicating complex ideas clearly and effectively. Overall, our English classes encourage students to become empowered and astute readers, writers, speakers, and listeners. Graduates from our programs are well positioned to enter fields such as education, publishing and journalism, counseling, marketing and public relations, or to pursue advanced degrees in graduate or law school.


Program Information

The foundation of education is the development of skills in critical reading, writing, and thinking, and these are the very skills English courses at UMW emphasize. The study of literature and the practice of writing compels us toward self-reflection, the discovery of the things we share with others, and the appreciation of our differences. As the world grows more connected and complex, we need not only to understand history and tradition but also to find new ideas and approaches. We need a citizenry able to articulate their thoughts, formally and informally, in writing and in speech, while acknowledging the importance of diverse opinions. The study of literature and writing addresses these needs and thus creates a stronger and more civic-minded person, a person more apt to comprehend the complexity of life in the past and the present.

The English Department offers a variety of courses reflecting both the traditional field of English study and the discipline’s modern, expanded range of coverage that includes pop culture, creative and professional writing, and newer mediums like film and graphic novels. Our faculty, all active scholars and writers, offer these courses in the engaging, experiential approaches of UMW’s Experience One model. With projects ranging from podcasts and video essays to original research and conference-style presentations, our English classes provide students real-world applications of the critical thinking, research, and writing skills employers in the post-college job market value most. Montana Western’s perspective on the study of literature and writing is to both teach and learn through new and innovative processes and foster creative and innovative approaches to learning in the classroom and beyond.

Graduate Outcomes

Program graduates will:

  • Produce texts informed by a knowledge of literary terminology, theory, and traditions;
  • Produce texts using conventions from the discipline;
  • Engage in critical research.


The English department engages in direct assessment of program outcomes through rubric-based review of student senior-level projects and indirect assessment via program self-study, informal student surveys, and/or reports from external reviews. The assessment plan for the BA: English is available from the English Department.

Additional English Major and Course Information

Credit Requirements

General Education: 32 Credits

General Education 

English Major Core: 48 Credits

Select 2 different topic courses/8 credits from the following:

Complete 4 credits from the following Capstone options:

English Minor: 24 Credits

Select any one BA: Minor or Related Area (English or other program). Students may also opt to take no Minor/Related Area and instead take 40 total elective credits with at least 8 upper level elective credits.
Note: Some Major and Minor/Related Area combinations will require completion of additional prerequisites for some classes.

**This program is currently in Moratorium. We are not accepting new students in currently enrolled will be able to complete this degree. This program are being available in the future.

Electives: 16 Credits

Choose elective credits from any college-level catalog courses to bring the degree to a total of 120 credits

BA: English Total Credits: 120

Additional English Major and Course Information

Students who score 3 or above on the AP: English Language and Composition exam will receive credit for WRIT 101: College Composition. Students who score 3 or above on the AP: English Literature and Composition exam will receive credit for ONE of the following:

  • LIT 162  : Folk & Fairy Tales
  • LIT 163  : Fantasy & Science Fiction
  • LIT 166  : Literature & Politics
  • LIT 167  : Literature & Gender
  • LIT 168  : Literature & and the Environment
  • LIT 169   Literature as Popular Culture

Students who are B.A.: English Majors, B.A.: English & Education Double Majors, or Literature minors MAY NOT substitute 100-200 level English courses for 300-400 level English courses.

Transfer students and/or students engaging in Prior Learning Assessment may substitute no more than 16 credits of coursework toward their major and/or minor in English.

Students who are B.A.: English Majors, B.A.: English & Education Double Majors, Literature minors or Professional Writing minors must take all LIT/CRWR/WRIT 494, 498, and 499 courses within UMW’s English Department, taught by UMW English faculty.

Recommended Four Year Course Sequence

This list includes the major, minor, and option core classes as guidelines to complete in four years. It is one example of how the program can be completed in four years; faculty advisors assist students in choosing among the options in a given semester to insure progress towards completion of the program. Students should complete general education and elective requirements while working with these guidelines.

Freshmen Year English Courses

Sophomore Year English Courses

Junior Year English Courses

Senior Year English Courses

Select 2 courses/8 credits from the following:

Complete 4 credits from the following Capstone options: