Feb 17, 2025
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Visual Arts, BA
Program Mission Statement
The mission of the BA: Visual Arts Option is to provide education to those seeking personal enrichment and/or career opportunities related to the visual arts, including practicing studio artists and employees of art galleries, museums, and community arts centers, and provide educational preparation for those seeking continued graduate study in the visual arts.
Graduates Outcomes
Program graduates will demonstrate:
- Skill with more than one artistic medium.
- Understanding and use of vocabulary and theories of visual design.
- Understanding of how art and artists reflect their culture or historical context.
- The use of electronic technologies to research art, artists, or create art.
- The ability to create artwork that visually communicates an idea and/or feeling to others.
- The ability to write about artists, about art history, and art criticism.
- The ability to discern the potential content of artwork.
The graduate outcomes for the BA: Visual Arts Option are assessed through the graduate/exit survey, employer survey, alumni survey, feedback from internship supervisors, review of collected student-generated exhibits over time, and program self- study and/or reports from external reviews. The assessment plan for the BA: Visual Arts Option is available through the Fine Arts department.
General Education: 32 Credits
It is recommended to complete ARTZ and ARTH rubric courses to fulfill both General Education Humanities categories in this Option. General Education Visual Arts Core: 44 Credits
Select two 2-D courses/8 credits, one 3-D course/4 credits, and one additional 200 level/4 credit studio elective from the following:
Select 2 courses/8 credits from the following
- Any two 300-level ARTZ ARTH, ART courses 8 Credit(s)
Internship/Thesis: 4-12 Credits
Students may additionally complete:
Related Area: 20-28 Credits
Select any one BA: Visual Arts Option Related Area. Some Related Area combinations will require completion of additional prerequisites for some classes. Visual Arts Option Related Area Electives: 4-20 Credits
Select any college-level courses from the catalog. Courses must have advisor’s approval BA: Visual Arts Option Total Credits: 120