Program Mission Statement
The mission of the B.A. degree program in Interdisciplinary Social Science is to empower students with the flexibility of crafting an individualized program of study enabling the combination of existing minor and option programs, self-defined areas of study under the direction of a faculty advisor, and/or packages of transfer credits. This program establishes an integrated, multidisciplinary foundation for lifelong learning and preparation for advanced study in graduate or law school.
Graduate Outcomes
Interdisciplinary Thinking:
Students will demonstrate interdisciplinary thinking. “Interdisciplinary Thinking” means using the perspectives, methodologies, or modes of inquiry of two or more disciplines in exploring problems, issues, and ideas to make meaning or gain understanding.
Oral Communications skills:
Students will demonstrate oral communication (in a formal interview or presentation) by introducing and developing main points with effective examples and language choices; responding to the verbal and nonverbal feedback of audiences; and using language that is familiar to the audience, appropriate for the setting, and free of disrespect.
Written Communications skills:
Students will demonstrate written communication by producing work with a clear rhetorical purpose, organized with a coherent structure, and conforming to academic standards of written English with appropriate documentation.
B.A. ISS students will be assessed using a Capstone Portfolio with multiple required elements. The portfolios will be scored by the ISS program lead and at least one additional faculty (ideal best practice being two additional faculty members scoring the Oral and Written Communication assessments, respectively).
(assessed in ANTY/GPHY/HSTA/HSTR/PHL/PSCI/PSYX/SOCI 498 or 499)
Highly Recommended GenEd courses
PHL 101, PHL 114, 0r PHL 122 (Hum:L&AS)