Feb 17, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Residence Life Office and Bulldog Card Center


Davis Hall
750 E. Cornell Street
Dillon, MT 59725-3598
(406) 683-7511

Mission Statement and Goals

Residence Life at Montana Western provides residents with a safe and respectful learning community. We promote a fun lifestyle and a sense of belonging through a wide range of diverse social and personal experiences. Specifically, we:

  • Stress the importance of education and being a student;
  • Promote activities that get residents involved on the weekends;
  • Make the halls a fun and relaxed place to live by offering social and recreational opportunities;
  • Are a staff that the campus knows and respects;
  • Model a positive lifestyle for all students, despite background or life experience; and
  • Are fair and consistent in applying rules and regulations.

About Residence Life

Staff in each residence hall consists of Resident Assistants (RA’s) supervised by a Hall Director. RA’s are assigned to each floor to assist the student with personal and academic related issues. It is also the responsibility of the RA’s to complete duty rounds and to document all infractions of University policies.

The Hall Director has the same responsibility toward assisting residents and documenting violations of policy. Any concerns a resident might have should be first directed to the RA or Hall Director, and then to the Residence Life Office. The Director of Residence Life supervises the residence life program, and is responsible for training and supervision of the undergraduate and office staff .

Residence Hall Programing: What are Programs?

A program is an event designed to enhance your learning and development or help facilitate floor community. You’ll learn something new and have fun at the same time. Sometimes these activities will happen spontaneously on your floor, and other times, your RA will plan an activity for your floor or hall.

Throughout the semester, programs will be presented on your individual floors, in the main lobbies, and in other areas on campus. Keep an eye out for program announcements in your community.

Students who get involved in college activities are more likely to be successful as students at UMW. You’ll spend a great deal of time on your floor or in your residence hall, so it is important to become involved and connected. By attending programs, you will get to know the students in your hall.

Residence Life Facilities


Residence Life at Montana Western consists of two types of housing: standard rooms (Jordan-Davis-Centennial complex), and non-standard rooms (Mathews Hall).

Residence Life Office

Residence Life Office (RLO) is located in Davis Hall. Services include room and roommate assignments and changes, Bulldog Cards, incoming packages and stamps, refrigerator and micro-fridge rentals, and outgoing mail drop. The Residence Life Office is open from 8 a.m. -5 p.m and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.. Monday through Friday and from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

What’s In Your Room

The typical “double room” contains two single beds, two closets with drawers, two desks, two chairs, bookshelves, mini-blinds, wastebasket, mirror, smoke detector, and fire suppressing device.

Bed Lofts

Bed lofts designed for use in Montana Western’s residence hall rooms are available through the RLO. These bed lofts are safety inspected and incorporate existing bed frames that cannot be stored elsewhere.


Bicycle racks are available outside the residence halls. Students are responsible for proper lockup and security of their bikes. All bikes must be removed from residence hall racks at the end of Spring semester or they will be confiscated by Montana Western.

Laundry Room

The residence hall laundry machines operate only with a Bulldog Card, so you must deposit money on to your Bulldog Card account to wash and dry clothes. It costs $1.50 for each load in the washing machines and $1.50 for each load in the dryers. Laundry facilities are located in Mathews Hall and the Jordan and Centennial Complex.


Television and study lounges are provided in each residence hall.

Vending Machines

Snack, juice, and soft drink vending machines are located throughout the residence halls and accept Bulldog Bucks.

General Procedures

Living on Campus Requirements

All students with fewer than 30 completed college credits are required to live in the residence halls.  Please note that credits awarded from Prior Learning Assessment such as Advanced Placement, CLEP or International Baccalaureate credits do not count towards the 30 earned college credit requirement.

All residence hall students are required to contract for a meal plan. Exceptions to this policy are granted for the following reasons:

  • Living with Family Member: Living with an immediate family member (parent, grandparent, sibling, or legal guardian) at their principal established local residence within a commutable radius.  Must supply 1)copy of power/heating bill or lease for proof of address and 2) a notarized letter from parent/legal guardian.  Letter should contain the name, relationship to the student and address of the immediate family member with whom the student will be living.
  • Student is 20 years of age or older.
  • Married: Must be supported by a marriage certificate.
  • Physical custody of a dependent child: Must provide copy of child’s birth certificate.
  • Completed one full academic year at a college or university while living in a residence hall: An academic year is calculated as 2 semesters or 3 quarters.  Include documentation of residence hall living (housing bill, letter from the university, etc.)
  • 6 or fewer credits:  Will be taking six or fewer credit hours.  Subject to verification.
  • Financial Hardship: Such as death, accident, or severe illness of primary family wage earner, recent substantial change in the family or student financial status beyond the control of the student, or unusual circumstances well supported by documentation.  Include letter from student, financial hardship worksheet and documentation of recent financial change. if traditional freshmen, must also include a notarized letter of support from parent/ legal guardian.
  • Medical/disability related condition: A medical or disability condition that precludes you from living in the residence halls.  You will be required to provide medial documentation that supports your request to the Residence Life office stating the specific reason(s) why living off campus is more accommodating to your medical situation than living on campus.
  • Current active military or veteran’s status: Student must verify by submitting a copy of their DD214.
  • Extenuating circumstances:  Circumstances have arisen that are not within the scope of the above listed criteria that makes living in the halls a hardship.  Include all pertinent documentation and a letter from the student.  If traditional freshmen, must also include a notarized letter of support from parent/legal guardian.

Exemption forms are available from the Residence Life Office. All exceptions to the “30 Credit Rule” must be documented and submitted to the Residence Life Office. Forms may be requested by phone or mail. All students under the 30-credit limit will be billed for room and board unless the exemption form has been received and approved in the Residence Life Office before the first day of classes. Students must be a registered student to reside in the residence halls.

Residence Life Housing Application

You can apply for housing on-line by following these steps:

  1. Go to https://w.umwestern.edu/residence-life/ and apply for housing.
  2. Complete and submit the Housing Application with a $200 deposit. Housing applications are recognized only after students have been accepted for admission to Montana Western. Room reservations will be held until 5 p.m. on the first day of classes.

Residence Life Family Housing Application

Family housing applications are available on-line by following these steps:

  1. Go to https://w.umwestern.edu/residence-life/ and apply for family housing.
  2. Select the Family Housing link and apply for family housing by printing out the form and mailing it to Residence Life Office, 750 E. Cornell St., Dillon, MT 59725.

Due to limited space, Family Housing apartments might not be immediately available upon receipt of a student’s application for an apartment. A waiting list is kept in the Residence Life Office and students on the waiting list are contacted when an apartment becomes available.

Application Fee Refund

Refunds of the residence hall application fee will be made as follows:


  1. A 100% refund if the student notifies Residence Life in writing by July 15.
  2. A 50% refund if the student notifies Residence Life by August 15.
  3. No refund for notices after August 15.


  1. A 100% refund if the student notifies Residence Life in writing before the 1st day of classes.
  2. No refund for notices after the semester starts.

Termination of Residence Hall Contract and Refunds

Students who contract to live in the residence halls accept financial responsibility for the room for the entire semester. No refunds will be given for students choosing to move off campus during the semester, UNLESS the student officially withdraws from all courses through the Registrar’s Office before the final published date. Refunds may be prorated on a cost-per-day basis. Termination of a housing contract must be approved by the Housing Appeals Committee. Request for Termination Forms are available at the RLO.

Housing over Breaks

The residence halls and dining service are officially closed during Winter Break. Room and board charges do not include this scheduled vacation period. Board plans are not in effect during Thanksgiving Break and Spring Break. Food service may be available during these break periods after consultation with Dining Services. Housing will be provided for continuing students wishing to stay in the residence halls during Winter Break for an additional charge. Advance notice is required at the Residence Life Office for students who will be staying in the halls during break periods. At the conclusion of each semester, information will be provided to students about check-out procedures. A $25.00 improper check-out fee will be assessed if checkout procedures are not followed.

Check In

Residence hall room keys are distributed at the Residence Life Office on and after the official opening date. Each student will complete a Room Inventory Report detailing the condition of the room and furnishings upon arrival (if sharing a room, both roommates complete their own report). The completed form signed by the student is given to the RA and kept on file in the Residence Life Office until the student checks out of the halls at the end of the semester or the end of the year. This form is a protection for the student and should be completed carefully; otherwise, the student may be considered responsible for damages for something upon check-out that already existed upon arrival. Students are responsible for any discrepancies between the check-in and check-out reports. Family Housing tenants return the completed and signed Room Inventory Report form to the RLO.

Check Out

Students must clean their rooms or apartments thoroughly, leaving them in the same condition as when they arrived, including removing all trash. An RA or RLO staff member must be contacted to inspect the room/apartment, compare it with the Room Inventory Report, and the student and staff member must sign the completed report. Residents turn in their room/apartment key and the completed Room Inventory Report to the Residence Life Office to complete the check-out process. Frequently the maintenance and custodial staff discover damages and items requiring additional cleaning after checkout. Charges for these items will be assessed to the resident. A $25.00 improper check-out fee will be assessed if check-out procedures are not followed.

Damage Deposit

The resident is responsible for damage to the room/apartment, furnishings, telephone, windows, screens, locks, doors, etc. Appropriate charges for excessive cleaning or damage to and/or loss of University property for which the student is responsible will be deducted from the damage deposit. The student is responsible for any costs exceeding the damage deposit and will be billed for any overage. The deposit may be forfeited if the housing contract terms are not fulfilled.

Decorating Rooms

Many adhesive substances damage surfaces. Poster putty and command strips can be purchased at the Campus Bookstore, and are suggested. Damage resulting from adhesive residue is deducted from the damage deposit. A list of costs for damage is available at the RLO.

Keys and Locks

Each student in the residence halls receives a key that opens the residence hall room, the fire doors on each end of that hallway, the outside door of that residence hall, and their mailbox. Family Housing residents are issued two keys to their apartments.


Montana Western is not, nor are its officers, agents, or employees, liable for the loss, theft, disappearance, damage, or destruction of any property belonging to, used by, or in the custody of any student, no matter where such property may normally be kept, used, or stored. Students are encouraged to consider purchasing insurance to cover loss or damage of personal property or an extension of their parents’ home owners insurance for this purpose.


A student who is locked out of their room/apartment/mailbox or temporarily misplaces a key may obtain a temporary replacement at the Residence Life Office for $1. For security purposes, residents must present their Bulldog Card. The key may be kept five (5) days. If the original key is not located by then, the lock will be changed, a new key issued, and the resident will be billed a $60 lock change fee for a room key. If the mailbox key has to be replaced as well, there is a $10.00 lock change fee.


Building outside doors are locked at 10:00 p.m. every night and unlocked at 7:00 a.m. weekdays and 10:00 a.m. weekends. Residents must have their keys with them to gain entrance to the residence halls during those times.

Loss and Theft

Residents should report any missing personal property immediately to their RA or the RLO with a description of the property, its value, and any other pertinent information. For insurance purposes on valuable items, or in the case of loss or theft, a report should be filed with the Police Department.

Mail Service

Residence hall and Family Housing mailboxes are located in the Davis TV Lounge and Mathews Mail Room. Each student is given a mailbox and its key upon arrival. Incoming packages can be picked up in the RLO. Services available at the Mail Room in the Administration Building include freight, UPS and Federal Express shipping and receiving, and sale of stamps. Mail Room hours are posted in the Administration Building. Students should provide a forwarding address for mail when moving out of the residence halls or Family Housing apartments.

Address Resident Mail as: Name
750 E. Cornell, #___ (your mail #)
Dillon MT 59725

Painting Rooms

Residents are not allowed to paint rooms/apartments. Residents who paint their rooms/apartments, will have the cost of repainting deducted from their damage deposit.

Repairs and Maintenance

To report a maintenance problem, stop by the Residence Life Office, find a Resident Assistant, or call 683-7565 during normal business hours. During the academic year, we will attempt to respond to all requests within one hour. After hours, please leave a message. We will respond to all requests the next business day. In case of an emergency, call 925-9828. Emergencies consist of the following: flooding, electrical problems, or potentially hazardous (life-threatening) situations.

Community Damages

If excessive damage is incurred in a common area due to a group of individuals, community damages may be assessed to the group responsible.

Room Changes

Requests for change of residence hall rooms must be made and approved by the RLO before any changes occur. The check-in and check-out procedures must be followed (i.e. Room Inventory Report and room inspection by RA) for any room changes. A $25.00 improper check-out fee will be assessed if check-out procedures are not followed.

Roommate Assignment

All students are required to share a room in the residence halls with another student. Upperclassmen are doubled only if enrollment requires, based on academic status. Requests for specific roommates will be given primary consideration. All others will be assigned by the computer based on preferences checked by each applicant. If a student’s roommate leaves for any reason during or at the end of a semester, the remaining roommate may (depending upon availability) have the option of keeping the room as a single room at a higher rate. To keep the room as a single, residents must contact the Residence Life Office within three (3) days of the roommate’s departure. Otherwise, a new roommate may be assigned to the room. The University reserves the right to reassign and consolidate residents to other residence halls or rooms at any time for best utilization of the facilities.

Single Room

A limited number of single rooms are available in the residence halls and are allotted on a first come, first served basis, usually by academic status. Requests based upon medical reasons will have priority. Single room rates are higher than a shared room.

Smoke Detectors and Sprinkler Heads

All residence halls are equipped with sprinklers and are checked on a monthly basis.

Room Entry

The University may enter the Student’s room or suite during normal working hours for cleaning, maintenance, and/or reason allowed by law, including to make repairs, alterations, or facility improvements, to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations, or in the event of an emergency, building evacuation, or abandonment of the room or suite by either the Student or the Student’s roommate(s). Prior notice will be given of such entry to the Student or Student’s assigned roommate(s) except for emergency, abandonment or where impractical. Doors will be locked after every entry.


Telephone services are available, upon request, through the Residence Life Office. If a student is unable to be reached by the family in an emergency, a message can be given to the Residence Life Office (406-683-7565). Every attempt will be made to notify the student of the message as soon as possible.

Family House Facilities

Family Housing, consisting of 16 apartments (10 one-bedroom and 6 two-bedroom), is available to student families on a first-come, first served basis.

Damage Deposit

Tenants pay $200 damage deposit when they move into Family Housing.

Housing Assignments

Apartments are filled on a semester basis. A list of students waiting for an apartment is kept in the Residence Life Office and students are contacted when a vacancy occurs in the order in which they appear on the waiting list. Preference is given to families, single parents, and student- athletes. Preference for two-bedroom units is given to current Family Housing residents.

Technology Fees

Each Family Housing unit is assessed a technology fee per semester (Fall, Spring, and Summer).


Rent is applied to the student’s Banner account at the beginning of each semester, Charges for partial month occupancy are pro-rated based on 1/30th per day for that partial month. Montana Western reserves the right to increase the monthly rent, with a minimum of 30 days notice to tenants.

Semester Commitment

Tenants accept financial responsibility for the entire semester upon moving into the apartment. Requests for exceptions due to special circumstances should be discussed with the Director of Residence Life.


Tenants are not allowed to transfer possession, lease, or sublet their apartment without written authorization of Residence Life. Subletting is only allowed during the summer months. The student subleasing an apartment must be registered for summer session classes, or a student in good standing from the previous Spring Semester who is registered for the upcoming Fall Semester.

Summer Occupancy

Students living in Family Housing in the summer must be registered for the upcoming Fall Semester. Any tenant planning to move in during the summer but not registered for Summer Session must be admitted to Montana Western through the Admissions Office, sign up to attend a summer Orientation session, and make special arrangements with the RLO

Vehicle Plug In

In cold weather, residents may rent an outlet that is provided next to Clark Hall to plug in their vehicle. Cords may not be run from residence hall or Family Housing rooms for this purpose.

Resident Safety and Security

Montana Western assumes no responsibility for any accident, loss, theft, or damage to personal belongings on the Montana Western campus, including residence halls, Family Housing, parking areas, common areas, classrooms, etc. Residents are encouraged to take the following precautions for their own and others’ safety and security.

Personal Property

  1. Lock room/apartment whenever leaving it, even for just a few minutes to the bathroom, vending room, lounge, or to a friend’s room. Always keep your door locked when sleeping.
  2. Always take your key with you.
  3. Do not allow others to be in the room while the resident is not there. The resident of the room is responsible for all behavior occurring in that room, even when the resident is absent.
  4. Room windows readily accessible from the ground should always be secured when the room is unoccupied. Most rooms in JDC are equipped with a security stick.
  5. Keep a record of serial numbers and manufacturer names for personal property.
  6. Avoid keeping large amounts of cash in your room. Do not tell anyone, even a roommate or best friend, where money and valuables are hidden.
  7. Keep security doors closed and locked. Do not prop locked doors open for any reason.
  8. Be alert to strangers in the living area and report suspicious activities to RA, Hall Director, or the Residence Life Office.
  9. Never leave clothes unattended in the laundry rooms or bathrooms.
  10. Carry personal property insurance. Some homeowner policies will cover possessions away from home, so check with parents and/or insurance agent.
  11. Utilize the Campus Security escort service (683-7141 or 406-925-9828) if crossing campus after dark .