Feb 17, 2025
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
General Education
General Requirement
For all programs each course used to satisfy the General Education Program must be completed with a grade of C- or better. Elementary and Secondary Education Majors must achieve a grade of C- or higher in all General Education courses and all other degree requirements that are General Education courses.
Whenever possible, freshman students should complete foundational courses, WRIT 101 and Mathematics (M/STAT), during their first year of enrollment. Transfer courses used to substitute for any UMW General Education core class must be taken from an ACE accredited institution and approved in advanced by the appropriate academic department.
Written and Oral Communication: 4 Credits
Mathematics: 4 Credits
Any 100-level or higher M (math) or STATS course 4 Credit(s) Behavioral & Social Sciences: 4 Credits
Select 1 course from the following: History: 4 Credits
Any 100 or 200 level HSTA or HSTR course 4 Credit(s) excludes HSTR 200 Humanities: Expressive Arts: 4 Credits
Select 4 credits from the following: Humanities: Literary & Artistic Studies: 4 Credits
Select 1 course from the following: Natural Sciences: 8 Credits
Select 2 courses/8 credits from the following: Two 100 or 200 level courses from two of the following categories: ASTR; BIO-; CHMY; GEO; NUTR; PHSX; WILD; ENSC 120 or ENSC 180 . General Education Total Credits: 32
Montana University System Common Core Cultural Diversity Component
The following courses meet the General Education requirement for the Montana University System Core Curriculum Cultural Diversity Component (CD) as outlined in BOR Policy 301.10 http://www.mus.edu/borpol/bor300/301-1.pdf. The listed courses also meet course requirements for UMW programs or degrees that requires a cultural diversity component. |